10 Things I Loved About My Small Private School
by PCA Alumna Alicia Vining (’15)
Sometimes it takes leaving to see it!
If you went to a small Private School, you will understand how different it was. Looking back, I realize how grateful I am to have gone to Portsmouth Christian Academy, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

1. You knew everybody.
I could walk down the hall and know everybody’s name. I knew what people liked to do and where they were from.

2. Your graduating class were like brother and sisters.
My class, being only 45 students, I can assure you was small. However, no matter the size, the bond between you and your graduating class is like no other. Some of us had been going to school together for thirteen years or more, and we were always happy to welcome new members to out family.

3. My teachers cared about who I was and how I was doing.
My teachers knew about me and would ask about my game the night before. They check on me to this day and it is just another whole support system for me.

4. We may have a small fan base but it was loud and crazy.
DIVISION DOES NOT MATTER. Our fan section was always lit and I would not have wanted to play for any other team.

5. They prepared me for college.
Along with all the great memories on the field and in the halls; the classroom was incredible. It helped me transition to college more than I could ever imagine.

6. They instilled in me solid morals and beliefs.
They taught me so much about life that went beyond the books. I owe my small private school so much for making me who I am.

7. When you visit it is like you never left.
When you walk in, the memories flow like crazy. Also, the teachers and students are so happy to see you, it feels as though you never left the halls.

8. It was a second home.
I spent so much time there over my 13 years it was a second home. They were and always will be another family. The bond between students faculty and families is one that is so hard to describe.

9. The Dress Code.
Hear me out here. Nobody likes a dress code. However, there are a lot of benefits to having one. One, it builds up your closet and two, your “slack effort” in high school is the college standard of dressing. Trust me, in high school it stunk, but I see the point now.

10. You get to be part of so many activities.
My high school encouraged me to be on three sports teams and to partake in 3 clubs and to take 4 leaderships positions. It helps you with time management and you get to learn different perspectives of life when you go to college.
Just ONE More

11. Diversity
There were students from different states, but also different countries. It showed me so much about the world that I could never have imagined learning anywhere else.

Written by PCA Alumna Alicia Vining (’15). This article was originally published in The Odyssey Online in The List on Feb 29, 2016. Used with permission.