Students Receive National Math League Merit Awards
Prior to vacation, many students in grades 4-8 challenged themselves by competing in the National Math League Competition. This contest gave students the opportunity to participate in an academically-oriented activity and to gain recognition for mathematical achievement.
Congratulations to the following students for placing high enough to receive Merit Achievement Awards!
6th Grade Level:
Malcom Beal (1st place; 5th grade student)
Tim Lam (2nd place)
Nik Morrisey (3rd place)
7th Grade Level:
Shashu Srivatsan (1st place; 5th grade student)
Siddhu Srivatsan (2nd place; 5th grade student)
Daniel Rinehart (3rd place; 5th grade student)
8th Grade Level:
Wayne Lam (1st place; 6th grade student)
Jocelyn Hewitt (2nd place; 7th grade student)
Bethany Koshy (3rd place; 7th grade student)
Next month, the 4th grade, 5th grade, and Algebra I students will compete for a chance to become part of the Lower School’s Math League Team. To learn more about the National Math League Competition, please visit or contact Tammy Treadwell.