Spring Concert K-5

On April 4, the K-5 grade students at PCA performed in the annual spring concert.  The theme this year was ” Music Literacy.”

Each grade performed a song, and was given a challenge. K-3 classes performed folk-songs and traditional dances.

The challenges were based on music literacy and ranged from first grade creating their own rhythms, to 2nd and 3rd grade singing rhythms to a song they had never seen before.

Kindergartners sang songs in English, French (Au Clair de la Lune) and Polynesian (Tonga). First grade sang the lullaby “Hush Little Baby,” and did a line dance to an Irish jig.

Second graders sang and danced to “I’s by By, “from Newfoundland, and third grade did a wonderful job singing “Doe a Deer” from The Sound of Music.

Grades 4 and 5 held a separate concert of performing beginning band/orchestra music (5th grade did fiddle music) and 4/5 chorus performed “When You Believe” from Prince of Egypt, a spiritual, and a couple songs from Sound of Music.