Read-a-Thon Winners!

Sail Into Reading! PCA Read-a-thon Results
PCA readers sailed through a really successful Read-a-thon in 2017, meeting and exceeding our school-wide reading goal of 400,000 minutes! Expect to see Dr. Lawrence in pirate garb soon to encourage and thank the students for all their reading efforts!
Top Readers – Read-a-thon 2017
Through reading, we ‘sail into’ different times, places, worlds, lives and ideas. Congratulations to everyone who participated in Read-a-thon 2017! If you are a reader, you are a winner!
Upper School Read-a-thon winner – Rebecca Hotz, Senior
PCA staff Read-a-thon winner – Mrs. DiTommaso, second place Mr. Doucette!
100% Participation
Congratulations to the following classes, winners of a popsicle party for 100% participation in Read-a-thon!
KA, KB, 1A, 1B 2A, 2B 3A, 3B 7A,7B 8A, 8B
Junior High
Congratulations to Mrs. Treadwell’s class, 8A – winner of the pizza party for the junior high class with the most reading minutes!
Junior High Class Winners
6A Carter Hoyt
6B Mahi Jaiswal and Jonathan Lemmer
7A Max Lupinacci
7B Nidhi Bhat
8A Isabella Ouellette
8B Emily Russell
Junior High Grade Winners:
6th grade Carter Hoyt
7th grade Max Lupinacci
8th grade Emily Russell
The winner for all of grades 6-8 – Max Lupinacci of 7A!
K-5 Class Winners
KA Tilan Karnes
KB Sara Eisner
1A Dacie McCabe
1B Kina Karnes and Davis McCabe
2A Anna Tolley
2B Elizabeth Page
3A Chloe Bosma
3B Jack O’Halloran
4A Emma Eisner
4B Brody Coop
5A Olivia Milancovici
5B Ivan Sturgis
K-5 Grade Winners
Kindergarten Tilan Karnes
1ST grade Kina Karnes and Davis McCabe
2ND grade Elizabeth Page
3RD grade Jack O’Halloran
4TH grade Emma Eisner
5TH grade Ivan Sturgis
Winners for all of K-2 – a three-way tie, first ever for Read-a-thon! Elizabeth Page, Kina Karnes, Davis McCabe!
Grade 3-5 Winner – Jack O’Halloran of 3B!

Grand Prize Winner and top reader for all of K-8 – Max Lupinacci, 7A!
Congratulations to all!