Portsmouth Christian Academy Gets Thanks from 157th Civil Engineer Squadron

Lt. Col. Missoni, Captain Minnis, 1st Srgt. Esquell, and Lt. Colonel Kerrigan presented a flag to PCA at the end of chapel last Friday.
The flag was flown in Bagram, Afghanistan, on Christmas Day 2017 to recognize our students for writing cards and letters of encouragement to those deployed. Lower School students sent letters to those deployed in October — last week, three of those who received the letters came back to our school to say thank you. Lt. Col. Missoni, one of the men who received PCA letters, gave an emotional speech to the students, reminding them that those small acts of letter writing mean so much to the men and women who are serving overseas.
In addition to the flag and certificate, which will be on display in the Lower School, PCA was also presented with a book about Afghanistan for the school library.