PCA Senior Parade Celebrates the Class of 2020
PCA faculty and staff celebrated the Class of 2020 during the school’s first-ever Senior Car Parade on Friday afternoon.
During the parade, each member of the Class of 2020 rode in their family’s car around campus, driven by parents or guardians. PCA faculty and staff lined the pathways at 6-feet distance, waving, cheering, and offering congratulations and encouragement to the graduates as they passed. Several stations were set up along the parade route where graduates were handed their gaps and gowns, personalized lawn signs, and gift bags.
The afternoon was emotional and impactful for the students, families, and PCA faculty. On June 12, the Class of 2020 will return to campus again for their graduation ceremony, which will look very different than in years’ past. The “drive-in, walk-through” ceremony will take place in front of teh Upper School, and will allow for an in-person experience while keeping safe social distance.
Check out this video for a peek inside the parade: