PCA Announces the Winners of the Upper School Food Drive
The Upper School students at PCA participated in a school wide food drive competition to benefit Operation Blessing in Portsmouth, NH. This event was put on by the PCA Missions Club and ran from 3/4 to 3/15. Mr. Murdock’s homeroom was the overall school winner with each student in his homeroom having donated over 24 food items. Over 650 food items were collected by all grades in the Upper School. The Mission Club will take the food to Operation Blessing in Portsmouth to have it weighed and to tally approximately how many people will be fed by it.

Throughout the school year, the Mission Club led several fund raisers.
In October, the club sponsored “Operation Christmas Child”. The entire school (K-12) was involved in making donations to fill shoe boxes with small necessities and gifts. All told, PCA Upper School students provided 275 boxes for the worldwide distribution of Christmas gifts.
During Thanksgiving break students participated in the “Hope for the Holidays” event sponsored by Great Bay Calvary Church in Portsmouth, NH. 15 students from the Missions Club served meals, handed out clothing, and offered other resources otherwise unavailable to our under resourced and homeless neighbors.
Wanting to support the Dios es Amor church which the club visited last Spring break in Mexico, students held a Bake Sale in the Upper School in December and held a “sweatpants day” in January. Proceeds for both events totaled $750.
The $750 was sent to Dios es Amor in Mexico to sponsor the church’s youth group on a mission of their own. When the club served there last year during Spring break, they were made aware of the church student’s desire to help victims of the September 2017 earthquake in Mexico City who were still homeless. Pastor Miguel Lopez said the group was having difficulties raising the funds to send the group. Pastor Miguel estimated the cost of $75 per student and informed PCA students it would take each student in the youth group over a year to raise the funds needed. The cost would cover travel and materials to build earthquake-proof homes (designed by an MIT student). The Missions Club was able to sponsor 10 students on that mission.
Mr. Brian Murdock is the advisor for PCA’s Mission Club. Students participating in the club this year are: Bryson Lund, Griffin Hotz, Joseph Azarian, Elise Gillis, Isabella Minai, Lily Kohl, Clara Kohl, Liza Corso, Caroline MacLeod, Lauren Vincent, Bryn Lauer, and Jenna Mayes. Students who are interested in joining the Missions Club are encouraged to contact Mr. Murdock.
For more information visit the following websites:
Operation Blessing is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt non-denominational Christian ministry that works with participating churches and human services organizations to serve families in Southeastern New Hampshire, Southern Maine, and Northern Massachusetts.