National Day of Prayer

Today across our nation millions of Americans will gather in churches, schools, places of business, city halls, and in other public gathering places for a day of public prayer.
The first Thursday in May was declared an annual observance by President Ronald Regan and today marks the 30th observance of this day, and the 67th observance since the day was first created in 1952 by President Harry Truman.
Today many across this land will be praying for unity in our country, as well as praying for local concerns. Our students and teachers will lead us in this time of prayer. Please join them in this solemn observance of one of our most sacred privileges—the opportunity to bring our thanksgiving and requests before almighty God.
“I love hearing our students joining to uphold our community, nation, and world in public prayer; their prayers are so thoughtful and sensitive to the needs of which they are aware. I also am so impressed by the way in which even the youngest students listen, sing, and show such respect for God as we join in prayer and singing. In some ways they may be the most sensitive in feeling the presence of God in our gathering. I believe this chapel brings us together as no other gathering can do!”
Dr. John Engstrom, Head of School
Pictured above, members of the Upper School Chapel Band preparing to lead worship for today’s All-School chapel.