Family Story: The Poulin Family
Michelle Poulin has become a familiar face in the halls of PCA’s Lower School, helping out with lunches, decorating for Christmas, and volunteering at our school in any way she can. The Poulins joined PCA shortly after the COVID-19 Pandemic, looking for a more hands-on education for her children. Below is her story of how she came to fall in love with PCA’s approach to teaching, and how her and her family has thrived in our warm and welcoming community.
In the Summer of 2021 as I was preparing to send my kids back to their public school, I was becoming increasingly frustrated with the Covid measures that I knew my kids would potentially endure in order to attend in person. By that point, I had formed very strong opinions about many of the restrictions and rules and decided late in August (very last minute) that my kids wouldn’t be subjected to that environment again. After a year and a half of the Pandemic education model, I noticed their learning and development were very much hindered, and I wasn’t subjecting them to that again. Homeschooling was an option, but not one I was very interested in. Then a friend of mine mentioned that the school she had enrolled her children in was allowing parents to make the decisions for their children on which Covid measures they wanted them to participate in. This is what prompted my husband and I to look at PCA, despite the fact that we didn’t consider ourselves religious at all.
Upon our first tour we felt welcomed, comfortable and felt like PCA was not only going to be the answer to our Covid-measure woes, but it also seemed to be giving us something we had no idea we were looking for – community and family values. The small school size was very appealing to us because my husband and I grew up in a small town. Knowing all of our kids could be in one place together felt really good. And, as a mom of 3, knowing that I wouldn’t have to cart everyone to different locations was a major perk.
Upon our first tour we felt welcomed, comfortable and felt like PCA was not only going to be the answer to our Covid-measure woes, but it also seemed to be giving us something we had no idea we were looking for – community and family values.
This might sound really lame, but it’s true. Enrolling our kids in PCA has changed our lives in so many ways. Before coming here, we did not attend church or worship God. I would pray semi regularly, but not outwardly, and I didn’t practice religion at all. After the kids started studying the Bible, they asked if we could attend church. We decided to give it a try and have found a new life where God is now a very big part of everything we do. Our entire family happily worships now, and we appreciate all the gifts and blessings the Lord has provided us. Academically, my children are thriving. I couldn’t say that before.
Enrolling our kids in PCA has changed our lives in so many ways. Before coming here, we did not attend church or worship God. I would pray semi regularly, but not outwardly, and I didn’t practice religion at all. After the kids started studying the Bible, they asked if we could attend church. We decided to give it a try and have found a new life where God is now a very big part of everything we do.
As average kids in the school system they were in, they weren’t receiving much attention or additional time. They weren’t falling behind per se, but they certainly weren’t making great gains. They were being brushed along. Now they are excited to learn and grow. Their work ethic has greatly increased and their desire to excel has exploded. As a mom it’s really exciting to see. Socially, I was worried about taking them from the only friends and community they’ve ever known, but I took a leap of faith in having them switch schools. They all made good friends at PCA immediately and were brought into the community without hesitation. They also keep in close touch with their friends at their old school so it’s the best of both worlds.
They were being brushed along. Now they are excited to learn and grow. Their work ethic has greatly increased and their desire to excel has exploded. As a mom it’s really exciting to see.
Volunteering in my kids’ school has always been something that I love doing. Being involved helps me to build relationships with the adults and children who are helping shape the lives of my children. I’m glad to know that I can have a relationship with the people who my kids spend so much of their time with. I love giving back to PCA by offering my time and talents because I feel like, in this community, we all come together to make this an excellent place for the students to grow and learn. My kids really enjoy seeing me in the building during the days, and it makes PCA really feel like a safe space, like home.
Originally Posted: December 14, 2022