Faculty Feature: Mrs. Treadwell

Tammy Treadwell is an 8th grade teacher at PCA. She has been teaching at PCA for over 15 years. 

“I came to PCA over 15 years ago because my son was starting here in junior high. I wanted our whole family to be in school together, so I came, and so did my fourth grade daughter. I enjoy teaching at PCA because I get the opportunity to share my faith with students. Life is challenging, but working in an environment where your coworkers and families of students are praying for you encourages you to keep going and continue to serve the Lord.

“Another thing I enjoy about teaching at PCA is the way that faith and learning are integrated. Every academic lesson is taught from a Biblical worldview. Our teachers know the Word of God, and it permeates their thoughts and actions. When reading literature, discussions go beyond simply what students think, and probe the question: What does the Bible have to say about this theme? The same is true for social studies, science and math topics. It is all about the fact that God created the world and created us in HIs image, so He wants us to enjoy and be responsible for what He created. In addition, when we work with students, we are always cognizant of the fact that God created these individuals with a plan. It is our desire to help students discover the plans for their lives. Finally, we can come along side students to pray for them when they need strength or wisdom. When tough things happen in the lives of our families, I am thankful that we are all able to trust in God’s plan and share the truth of His Word.

 “As an eighth grade teacher, I understand that my students are on the verge of adulthood. They are at a crossroads of life where they are having to own their own faith and make decisions that are going to affect the rest of their lives. I think it is important for students to have a strong Christian adult who can support parents in guiding their children down a path of wisdom, by praying for them and giving them Godly counsel.

 “One of my strengths that I bring to the classroom is my organization and my high expectations. I believe every student is made in God’s image and is able to succeed. I will work with students to become the best students they can be, but I will not accept less than their best. I know the demands that life will throw at our students, and I desire that they will be prepared to meet those challenges. I think I have a way of challenging students and allowing them to feel the pride that can only come from accomplishing a goal. We work hard, but the students know I love and care about them.

 “PCA students stand out because they are loving and caring. They are accepting of others. They are strong students. They know the Lord and they make Godly decisions as they grow older. It is a privilege to work with these wonderful students.

“The thing I love the most about PCA is the families. I love being a part of a very large, extended family. I feel very close to my colleagues and students’ families, and I love going somewhere and seeing someone from PCA. It is like a taste of home. One of the greatest things about this family is being able to watch children grow and mature and become all that God has planned for them to be.”

Originally Posted: January 29, 2019