Meet the Faces of Our Annual Auction: Nikki Jordan
Meet Our 2024 Auction Team: Nikki Jordan
Nikki has two kids enrolled at PCA: one is a Sophomore, and the other is in sixth grade. She has been volunteering at PCA since 2021, contributing her time and talents in various capacities.
When did you start volunteering at PCA? In what areas?
I started volunteering when we came back to PCA in 2021 when we enrolled our children. I have volunteered in several areas throughout school over the years…in the Swap Shop, at the Treasure Sale, Athletics, etc. For the past two years I have been an Upper School Women’s Volleyball mom, spending time in the concession stand and helping to organize events like Dig Pink, JV State’s Tournament, and the End-of-Year Athletics Banquet.
Why do you volunteer at PCA?
It is a great way to support our players and get to know all other PCA parents. Without our volunteers, we wouldn’t be able to do all that we accomplish for the kids and the school.
I found my true connection and fit when I volunteered alongside Ann Kohl and all of the amazing volunteers for the Annual Auction. I was able to make some wonderful friendships and use my creative side, which I don’t get to use in my regular job.
I volunteer at PCA because it’s my way of connecting with the PCA community. It’s also a great way to know what’s happening around school, and it simply makes me happy.
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