Student Feature: Delaney, Junior Class

What do you love about Portsmouth Christian Academy?
I love the community – it is a really great group of students and teachers.
Describe one of your favorite teachers and tell why he/she is a favorite.
Mr. Foley is one of my favorite teachers. He vastly improved my English skills and teaches his class in a way that is humorous and fun as well as educational.
In what ways have you grown (spiritually, academically and/or developmentally) as a result of your experience at PCA?
Being surrounded by faculty and students who are strong in the Christian faith has really empowered me to grow in my own faith and be more open about it.
Portsmouth Christian Academy’s mission is “to honor God joyfully by inspiring students to maximize their God-given potential.” How do you experience this mission at PCA?
The teachers at PCA really support me in trying to become the best person I can be and prepare me for what I want to do in life.
How do you feel that PCA is preparing you for graduation, college and life?
PCA has prepared me for college by allowing me to take classes that challenge me and that will provide me a great base of knowledge. PCA has also helped me grow stronger in my faith which I know will serve me well in life to come.
What opportunities do you experience at PCA that you don’t think you would have gotten to experience anywhere else?
The relationship I have with my cross country and track teammates and coaches is unique. We are so close and act more like a large family which is really cool!

Originally Posted: February 5, 2020