PCA Second-Grader Wins 2021 Best Invention in Health and Wellness
What should a student do to calm down if they are frustrated during class? That’s what second-grader, Eric Roets, set out to tackle with his invention of “The Calmer Box”.
Second-grade student Eric recently participated in the 2021 Northern New England Young Inventors’ Program. Eric won Best Invention in Health and Wellness for Second grade as well as 2nd place for Best Invention for Second grade. He shares that he “enjoys creating tools that will help other people.”
Eric has been inventing for two years, and this is his second win regionally. His invention, “The Calmer Box”, is a box that fits inside students’ desks to hold items that will calm them down if they are frustrated, without disrupting the teacher or class.
This invention can be filled with items personalized to the student such as gum, headphones, a calming photo, a squishy ball, and other items. The box is a multisensory tool itself with scratch and sniff stickers and shiny hinges. Rough and soft Velcro are on either side of the box for sensory seekers.
Eric has been invited to participate in the 2021 Invention Convention US Nationals being hosted by Invention Convention Worldwide and The Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, MI. on June 24. The PCA community congratulates Eric for his accomplishment.
To learn more about the Invention Convention US Nationals, visit their page here.