Student Feature: Abigail, Junior Class
“I love that, at PCA, I can be true to my faith and share my love for God with others! My friends always keep me accountable and on the right path. I know life outside of Christian High School is different. I’ve been to other schools, and it’s a very different dynamic… students debated with my faith and questioned why I was who I was. At PCA, that negativity isn’t there. I can be open about my faith and have people be open about it with me! I will be ready to face the world with confidence in Jesus when I graduate.
One of my favorite teachers is Mr. Murdock because he is funny, cares for us, and always gives us a second chance, truly wanting us to learn about Jesus! At PCA, Teachers and students give me constant reminders that God is here. That encouragement is one of my favorite things about PCA. Instead of feeling all the anxieties of school, I am reminded that God has a plan for me. I may have a bad quiz once and a while, but God tells me that a bad quiz is nothing compared for the job he has in store for me. This way when it comes to success, I look towards my Lord, rather than my grades.
I honestly have been brought here by God. Never in a million years did I think this would happen. I feel happy and am constantly thankful for God’s blessings. Before PCA, I would groan coming to school. Now I can find joy in it. When I was little I always wanted to attend a Christian school because I wanted to be with other Christians and have fellowship. Now I can!”
Originally Posted: December 17, 2018