A “Spirit of Service” During the Lower School’s Homecoming Spirit Days

Homecoming Week is a special time for any school; it’s a chance to celebrate athletics and to recognize that we all belong to this community. Certainly, Homecoming Week is a memorable time: Spirited dress-up days and unique traditions are mixed with typical academic learning, and everyone (even the teachers!) gets a chance to have fun and show their silly sides.
At PCA, as we planned our Spirit Days at the Lower School, we wanted students to find a way to serve and bless another community. Particularly in a time of celebration, we want to practice our core values of Compassion and Community.

Thursday’s Spirit Day was focused around a “spirit” of Service. All Lower School students, faculty, and staff were given the chance to donate $2 to schools impacted by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. In exchange for the donation participants were able to wear blue jeans. Other activities for the day included a special “See You at the Pole” prayer time, led by Grade 5 teacher, Mr. Murray, and writing notes and cards of encouragement to those who may not be able to have a school Homecoming – or even a home to go home to at this time. We have already collected over $500, with more expected, along with hundreds of cards from both the Upper and Lower School!
Our prayer is that the money and cards will bless children, families, and schools, and that we may always be thankful for the chance to celebrate our amazing community at PCA. As a newcomer to this school, I am already immensely grateful for you all.
Carrie Abood
Lower School Principal