Go. Demonstrate. Think. Engage.
Earning a diploma from Portsmouth Christian Academy demonstrates the attainment of outcomes that serve as a foundation for all of life. These student outcomes reflect the values and mission of Portsmouth Christian Academy. They are a measure of the efficacy of the Portsmouth Christian Academy experience. As such, they are only meaningful to the extent to which they are assessed, measured, used for strategic decision making, and communicated to our students and broader constituency groups.
Upon graduating from PCA, our young men and women are ready to:
Go equipped to confidently thrive and grow in mind, body, spirit, and relationships.
Demonstrate Christian character with humility, both privately and publicly.
Think curiously and critically about God and how to solve tough problems and shape our society, culture and world with compassion and biblical integrity.
Engage the world as servant-leaders, with truth, love, compassion, and joy.
Go Follow Christ
The young women and men who graduate from Portsmouth Christian Academy are prepared to Go follow Christ in their emerging life callings, even as they continue to grow, learn, and explore as members of a church, a community of learners, and even a vocation. They know the gospel for themselves and are able to communicate it to others. They understand God’s love for the church and how they are called and invited to be part of God’s family and work to build it up with their unique gifts and talents. As servant leaders, they are ready to call and equip others of small groups to further God’s work in both sacred and secular environments.
Demonstrate Christian Character
Our graduates Demonstrate Christian character. They employ biblical discernment in decision-making, model Godly behavior, exhibit stewardship of the earth and God’s resources, display biblical leadership and compassion, demonstrate an understanding of the body as the “temple of the Holy Spirit,” and filter their life through the values of integrity, work ethic, respect for authority, self-control, and maturity. PCA’s graduates know how to address and resolve conflict biblically, both at the personal and group levels. They do this through classroom debate, student government decisions, and the testing of athletics and arts as they interact with all aspects of society. Most of all, they know what it means to follow after Jesus, and center their life on Him.
Think Critically and Creatively
Our graduates are Academically Prepared to think well. They research and evaluate authority, veracity, and bias of information from varied sources; employ computers, software applications, and problem solving. Our graduates write and speak clearly using effective methods in both formal and informal settings; engage in moderate spoken and/or written fluency in a non-native language; and demonstrate computational accuracy in a variety of applications.
Beyond these skills, graduates of Portsmouth Christian Academy are Critical and Creative Thinkers, equipped to evaluate strengths, weaknesses, and fallacies of logic in arguments and information; apply the principles of scientific, quantitative, and/or qualitative reasoning; devise and defend a logical hypothesis to explain observed phenomena; and display comparative and critical knowledge of works of art in various media and connect knowledge to philosophy and history. They demonstrate the ability to do this under the demands of academic competitions, athletics, arts, and active leadership roles.
Engage Through Respect and Leadership
Portsmouth Christian Academy graduates Engage globally and socially by demonstrating respect, leadership, and knowledge of people as they follow God’s call on their lives. They have been trained to look at others through God’s eyes, seeing that all people are created in the image of God. This means that PCA’s graduates increasingly seek out, connect with, and love well those who do not share their ethnicity, religion, gender, socioeconomic background, age, moral values, linguistic background, common history, or physical abilities. They do this because God calls us to love as He first loved us, and to shine His light wherever we are.