2016 Auction Art Gallery Winners
Best in Show Winner, Lilian Kohl
Portsmouth Christian Academy (PCA) is pleased to announce an Artists’ Reception on March 18, 2016 at 3:30 pm in the PCA gym lobby, to honor winners of the juried art contest associated with its 21st Annual Auction. The theme of this year’s Annual Auction Art Contest – sponsored by Cutter Family Properties of Rollinsford, NH – is “Festival of Trees.”
Peyton Sanborn, Upper School winner
With 95 submissions for the Festival of Trees Gallery, the art contest represents a significant element of the Annual Auction. All art entries will be available for bidding. The Artists’ Reception represents the kick-off for bidding on art, and will continue throughout the Auction the following day. Art and other items up for bid can be previewed online.
The Auction, to be held Saturday, March 19, from 7:30 am to 12 pm, is PCA’s largest fundraiser to benefit the Tuition Assistance Program, providing relief for families with demonstrated need. Admission to the Auction is complimentary. PCA anticipates that the Auction will attract over 400 local business owners, families, and community leaders from the greater Seacoast NH area.
Cutter Family Properties of Rollinsford, NH has signed on as the lead Legacy Sponsor for the auction’s Juried Art Contest and Gallery. The art-oriented sponsorship is well-aligned with the mission of Cutter Family Properties, a local company that specializes in renting space to artists and small businesses on the NH seacoast. Their flagship property, the Mills at Salmon Falls, is home to over 100 artists and artisans. Brian and Leanne Pellerin, co-owners of Cutter Family Properties, have additional compelling personal and business reasons for this particular sponsorship. Leanne, whose grandparents started Cutter Family Properties in the 1940s, is a 1998 graduate of PCA. Brian and Leanne’s eighth-grade daughter Hannah is now in her 10th year at PCA, having started at preschool. Clearly invested personally in PCA, Brian also indicated, “From a business perspective, the people who go to the auction are completely in our main demographic. As a business, we want to reach people just like the ones who go to the auction – the business owners, decision-makers, and people who need what we provide.”
For more information about PCA’s Annual Auction and Art Gallery, contact Elizabeth Nanda, Auction Manager, at 603-742-3617 ext. 142.
To learn more about Cutter Family Properties, visit their web site. or visit the artists’ web site.
Grand Prize Winner:
Lilian Kohl, 8th grade, Tile Mosaic Palm
Pre-K through Grade 5

1st: Lila Pellatt, 4th grade, Windy Day
2nd: David Sauers, 4th grade, The Lonely Woods
3rd: Kaitlyn Russell, 3rd grade, The Ever-Silver Forest
Honorable Mention: Lexi Tuten, 5th grade, Tree of Life

Honorable Mention: Tatiana Stockbower, Spring String Tree
Junior High
2nd: Olivia LaRose, 8th, Rainbow Tile Tree
3rd: Emily Russell,7th grade, Trees in Mexico – photo collage
Honorable Mention: Tina Feng, 8th grade, Folktale Collage
Honorable Mention: Joseph Azarian, 8th grade, Mountain Cedar
Upper School
1st: Katya Engalichev, Junior, and Charlotte Kohl, Senior, Living Color
2nd: Peyton Sanborn, Freshman, Botany Bay, Edisto, SC
3rd: Charlotte Kohl, Senior, Black and White Reflection